P.E.E.P. Podcast Episodes

People Experiencing Everyday Paranormal

The paranormal is more normal than you think!

To listen to these episodes, use the embedded player or find them on the following podcast apps:

Apple, Google, Audible, Spreaker, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Castbox, Deezer, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, and JioSaavn

To read the transcript, click on the episode title. Transcripts are in the process of being created and added. If the episode you're interested in does not have one yet, check back at a later time or use the contact form to request it. Thank you.

Episode 95: Just Call Me Marie

As the Monty Python line goes, “And now it’s time for something completely different!” In this brief episode, Nicolle provides a quick status update on her novel and shares a rock song she wrote the lyrics to. Enjoy!

Find the song on Spotify: Marie

Episode 94: Balance Body, Mind, Energy Fair

Learn about the upcoming family-friendly event: Balance Body, Mind, Energy Fair directly from its organizers, Tracy and Rick. Be inspired to rediscover your joy and bring more positive energy to the world.

Learn more about the event: https://healingbyhawkeye.com/events/ and https://www.facebook.com/healingbyhawkeye

Episode 93: Michael Tokarz Is Fired Up with Reiki

Meet Reiki Master Michael Tokarz and hear how his path has taken him around the world and led him to practice the healing modality at a prestigious university hospital. Listen in as we discuss what it’s like to be a Reiki practitioner and our hopes for the future of the practice.

Connect with Michael at…

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/michaelonfire

Bluesky: flow2go
X: Vayacongaia
Instagram: opentoflow
Facebook: Open Mike Tokarz

Episode 92: Annah Elizabeth in the Spiritual Deep End

Meet Annah Elizabeth and learn how a tragic experience led to her being dropped into the spiritual deep end and how she learned to swim with the help of her deceased son.

Connect with Annah Elizabeth at www.thefivefacetsofhealing.com

Episode 91: Mike and the Haunted Rental House

Ghostly music, a baby crying, and a seemingly solid apparition – hear these experiences and much more from Mike Howell in North Carolina.

Episode 90: Searching for Bigfoot in North Georgia

Bigfoot sightings have been reported in every U.S. state except Hawaii. In this episode, you’ll meet two field researchers looking for Sasquatch in north Georgia. Hear their stories, exclusive audio clips from their expeditions, and a couple of bonus paranormal stories.

Episode 89: Jon Michael Has Questions, for Real

Jon Michael is a skeptic, a paranormal investigator, and a friend. Listen in as he and Nicolle discuss his approach to investigating allegedly haunted locations and why psychics need skeptics like him around. 

Episode 88: A Pep Talk and Meditation for Empaths

Are you feeling drained? Is the political climate, news of war, angry memes, and all the negativity bombarding you every day making you wish we could revert to cave dwelling? You’re not alone. Listen for advice on how to handle empathic overload.

Episode 87: Spiritual Beliefs in America

Do you believe in ghosts? What about reincarnation? Do you know what your neighbors believe? In this episode, Nicolle reviews data collected from two recent opinion polls about spiritual beliefs in America to try to answer the question – Is the paranormal really more normal than we think?

The RealClear Opinion Poll Results: https://assets.realclear.com/files/2024/01/2334_RCORToplineJan92024.pdf

The Pew Research Study Results: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2023/12/07/spirituality-among-americans/

Episode 86: The Investigation of Kendale Cinema

Listen as Nicolle shares a chapter from her autobiographical book about the investigation she and NSPIR did at Kendale Cinema in Sanford, North Carolina. That evening was one of the creepiest in all her years as a paranormal investigator, and yet, the team captured one of the clearest, friendliest EVPs ever!

Learn how to catch Nicolle during one of her October appearances: https://www.nicollemorock.com/september-and-october-live-events

Free registration for the Virtual Program in collaboration with the Ghost Guild on Thursday, October 24th at 7PM Eastern Time: https://tinyurl.com/HC10242024

Episode 85: The Haunting of My New Home

Listen as Nicolle shares her story of how she came to realize her new house was haunted and what she did to banish the entity.

Episode 84: Toni Shapiro Shares Terrifying Tales

Writer Toni Shapiro joins Nicolle to share personal paranormal experiences that started in childhood and continue through adulthood. Some of them are truly terrifying.

Read Toni’s articles at thehauntedattic.uk  

Episode 83: Psychic Tiffany Johnson on Intuition

Psychic Medium Tiffany Johnson returns to the show to discuss developing and trusting your intuition, answering questions like “How do I know if what I’m getting is intuition or imagination?” Listen as the conversation sparks some great ideas!

 Learn more about Tiffany Johnson at PsychicTiff.com and email her at Tiffany@psychictiff.com

Join the new Facebook group: A Still Small Voice Intuition Group

The Liquid Luck Meditation mentioned in the show: https://synccreation.com/product/liquid-luck-mp3-download/

Echo Bodine’s website: https://echobodine.com/

Episode 82: Nelson Nauss of The Ghost Guild

Hear three personal stories (including a potential “hitchhiking” ghost!) from seasoned paranormal investigator, Nelson Nauss, and find out what drives his pursuit of the unknown.

Learn more about Nelson Nauss and The Ghost Guild: https://theghostguild.weebly.com/current-cohort.html

Read the story of the standoff at Seaboard Station in Raleigh.

Episode 81: Monster Fest 2 Recap with Friends

Join Nicolle, Paul, Ryan, Marcelle, Jenny, and Craig for their recap of Small Town Monsters Monster Fest 2. From favorite experiences to cool souvenirs, the crew shares their thoughts on what made it such a phenomenal event and ideas for how to keep the energy going.

 Please forgive the audio quality on the intro and outro. The audio setup on the new computer needs some more tweaking.

Episode 80: All About Reiki

Reiki Master Nicolle Morock shares the history of Reiki, what it is, and dispels some myths about it. Listen to this short episode to learn why Reiki is growing in popularity as an accepted healing modality.

Episode 79: Paranormal Round Table with Craig Crawford and DA Wysong

Authors Craig Crawford and D.A. Wysong join Nicolle to share paranormal experiences and discuss how their personal real-life stories influence their writing. Listen in for a fun and candid conversation.

Find D.A. Wysong and her books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B092SVP9CN/about

Learn more about Craig Crawford’s Project Threshold: https://projectthreshold.com/

Episode 78: 2024 Astrological Forecast with Cynthia McNulty

Cynthia McNulty, owner of Essential Zodiac, is back on the show with her 2024 astrological forecast. What will the stars and planets bring this year? Listen to find out!

Get in touch with Cynthia at https://www.essentialzodiac.com/

Listen to Cynthia’s Essential Zodiac Podcast at https://sites.libsyn.com/403727 or any of the popular podcast apps.

Episode 77: Parapsychology Research Happening Now

Research into parapsychology and the anomalous is always happening. In this brief episode, Nicolle shares some of the studies that are currently ongoing and looking for participants. Help researchers out by sharing and please consider participating!

Episode 76: The Evil Ex-Husband

Have you ever truly regretted an ex? Listen to the story of the worst kind of ex; it’s one of the darker paranormal investigations Nicolle experienced with NSPIR.

Trigger warning: there is a brief mention of suicide in this story.

Episode 75: Love and the Shadow

As we gather with family and friends to celebrate the holidays, we’re bound to face the same triggers that we do every year, but what if we intentionally make this year different? Listen to this brief episode to hear about Nicolle’s shadow work challenge and learn how your holidays could be filled with more love this time around.

Episode 74: Ask Me Anything Part 4 – Wake County Libraries Edition

What do you do if you think you have a haunted object? How do you know if you’re a haunted person? These are some of the questions Nicolle was asked in the Q&A portion of her library presentations, and she answers them in this episode, too.

Watch Nicolle’s presentation, “All the Reasons a House Might Be Haunted” on her new YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/VBKoqctDc0Y

Episode 73: Elaine Clayton – Astral Travel and More

Have you ever been curious about astral projection? How does astral travel relate to more than just out-of-body experiences? Meet Elaine Clayton and hear answers to these questions and more!

Learn more about Elaine at https://www.elaineclayton.com/

Follow Elaine on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elaine.clayton/ and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elaineclayton/

Subscribe to Elaine’s YouTube channel: https://www.instagram.com/elaineclayton

Episode 72: John Mathis – George Carlin, Saint Michael, and New Directions

Have you ever heard of a transpersonal nurse coach? What about an NDE that includes George Carlin and the Archangel Michael? Listen in to the conversation as John Mathis shares a lifetime’s worth of interesting and unique experiences in this episode.

Learn more about John Mathis at http://www.johnmathis.me/index.html

To learn more about IANDS, visit https://iands.org/

Episode 71: Katherine Loflin - When the Whistle Blows

Katherine Loflin knows how to make people feel connected to their towns. Sometimes, when she’s doing that work, she feels a different kind of connection to history – a paranormal one. Listen to her personal experiences and learn about her haunted history tour in Cary, North Carolina.

 Join Katherine’s Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thecitydoctorproductions

Episode 70: Amy Bue of the Olympic Project and Project ZooBook

Meet Amy Bue, member of the Olympic Project and co-founder of Project ZooBook – a think tank for all things Bigfoot. Learn how a chance sighting spurred her curiosity, hear about an exciting experience during field research, and find out how Project ZooBook is making the subject of Bigfoot less taboo among scientists and academics.

Get in touch with Amy Bue by emailing her at bigfootamy@gmail.com

Episode 69: Author Craig Crawford Shares His Real-Life Paranormal Stories

Meet fantasy author Craig Crawford and hear some of his personal experiences with the paranormal, including hearing what might have been a cryptid (and recording it!), witnessing the Joplin spook light, and seeing apparitions – human and animal. Plus, find out how a lifelong fascination with cryptids and monsters influenced his latest writing project.

Learn more about Project Threshold at https://projectthreshold.com and check out Craig’s blog at https://craiglcrawfordbooks.com.

Episode 68: Ask Me Anything Part 3

In this brief episode, Nicolle answers a listener's question about the weather’s potential influence on paranormal activity and gives some examples from her paranormal investigations.

Episode 67: Ryan Shares Stories of Unusual Experiences

Ryan joins us to share stories of unusual experiences from his youth. One involves a scary monster in the woods, and the other is the epitome of an unexplained light in the sky. He also shares a few more recent, intriguing stories, including one that will leave you scratching your head.

Episode 66: Darby Orcutt and the Study of Allegedly Morphologically Anomalous Samples

Darby Orcutt is back on the podcast to share his new project, based at North Carolina State University. The results could prove to be paradigm-shifting!

To submit a sample to the project, fill out this form.

To financially support the project, donate here.

Episode 65: Can You Handle Shifting Paradigms?

In this brief episode, Nicolle looks at this week’s big news broken by The Debrief about a whistleblower’s claims that the US government may be in possession of “materials from objects of non-human origin,” and considers what it takes to handle the kind of revelations that can change a person’s world view.

Read The Debrief’s article for yourself: https://thedebrief.org/intelligence-officials-say-u-s-has-retrieved-non-human-craft/

Episode 64: How to Hone Your Intuition

If you struggle with trusting your intuition or you just want to learn how to use it, this episode is for you. Nicolle shares practical tips for honing your intuition, with her own real-life examples of how it works.

Episode 63: Methods for Grounding Yourself Quickly

If you ever feel like your emotions, imagination, or anxiety are getting out of control, this is a great episode to listen to! Nicolle shares her grounding techniques and the situations she uses them – including a five-minute meditation to balance your energy and put yourself back on the right track.

Episode 62: Dr. Larry Burk Discusses Dreams, the Spiritual Side of Death, EFT, and more

Have you ever had a dream that seemed to be warning of a real medical issue? Do you suffer from chronic sinus issues and wonder if there’s more to it than just a physical problem? Have you ever heard of the “spiritual alphabet soup of death and dying?” Do you know that some TEDx talks are censored after they’ve been recorded? In this conversation with Dr. Larry Burk, learn about these topics and more.

 Learn more about Larry and his upcoming course and events: https://letmagichappen.com/

Episode 61: Ask Me Anything, Part 2

In this short episode, Nicolle answers questions spurred from Episode 61’s topic of after-death communication. The key takeaway? Rules don’t necessarily apply to paranormal phenomena.

Episode 60: After-Death Communication

Can loved ones who have died still communicate with us? Nicolle shares many ways they might try, including some that are more common than others. The key is being open to them and grateful for the experience.

 View the After-Death Communication Fact Sheet from the University of North Texas: https://coe.unt.edu/sites/default/files/adc-7.pdf

The link to Brandon Massulo’s website: http://www.hauntedtheories.com/

Check out Nicolle’s books (and their updated covers!): https://www.amazon.com/stores/Nicolle-Morock/author/B07Q8BQLP2

Episode 59: The Healing Power of Sound

Does music really soothe the savage beast? More importantly, can sound help ease depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia, and other health issues? In this brief episode, Nicolle reviews different types of sound therapies and some of the research that supports claims of their potential benefits.

Learn more about binaural beats: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320019

Tibetan singing bowls study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5871151/

Low frequency sound stimulation: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4325896/

Cat purrs: https://ryortho.com/breaking/is-there-healing-power-in-a-cats-purr/

Episode 58: Saint Michael and His Merry Band of Angels

In this brief episode, Nicolle shares the personal experience that strengthened her faith that Saint Michael intervenes when he needs to.

Learn more about The Green Chair Project: https://thegreenchair.org/

Nicolle will donate 20% of all profits from the sale of her books and her healing sessions during the month of February to this amazing nonprofit.

Buy “Please, don’t call me psychic” in paperback or Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/Please-dont-psychic-Stories-paranormal-ebook/dp/B07YD36LF5?ref_=ast_author_dp

Episode 57: Protecting Yourself from Negative Energy

In this brief episode, Nicolle offers ways to protect yourself from negative energy. Whether you’re dealing with a person with bad vibes or an angry spirit, these practices work.

Learn more about The Green Chair Project: https://thegreenchair.org/

Nicolle will donate 20% of all profits from the sale of her books and her healing sessions during the month of February to this amazing nonprofit.

Episode 56: Generational Trauma in Our DNA

In this brief episode, Nicolle looks at recent scientific evidence that generational trauma – something considered a new age idea for years – is in fact, a real thing called epigenetics.

CDC article: https://www.cdc.gov/genomics/disease/epigenetics.htm

Yehuda and Lehrner article : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6127768/

Youssef, et al: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5977074/



Episode 55: Science, Psi, and Placebos

In this brief episode, Nicolle considers the idea that the placebo effect isn’t a bad thing, and shares information from two long-time researchers who have come to that conclusion.

Read the articles quoted in this episode: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/placebo-can-work-even-know-placebo-201607079926 and https://www.health.harvard.edu/mental-health/the-power-of-the-placebo-effect? And https://labblog.uofmhealth.org/rounds/studies-and-real-life-placebos-have-a-powerful-healing-effect-on-body-and-mind

Episode 54: Holiday Greetings and New Year Manifestations

In this brief episode, Nicolle discusses combining goal setting with “magic” to make your visions reality and the science that backs the practice.  

Dr. Dean Radin’s book: https://www.amazon.com/Real-Magic-Ancient-Science-Universe/dp/1524758825

Episode 53: Listener Requested Topic - Lily Dale, New York

In this brief episode, Nicolle covers a topic requested by a listener – Lily Dale, New York. A small town with big Spiritualist roots.

Research articles: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiritualism




Episode 52: The Gratitude Guide

In this brief episode, Nicolle reviews how famous people through the centuries have talked about gratitude, and how it plays into our well-being. Take a quick listen and have a great Thanksgiving!

Episode 51: Diversity in the Paranormal Field

In this brief episode, Nicolle tackles a big topic and explains why it’s so important.

Episode 50: Shadow Work with Elizabeth Powell

Nicolle introduces you to Elizabeth Powell, a Reiki Master, yoga and fitness instructor, and spiritual coach, who explains what shadow work is, and why it’s important when you want to live a healthier life. You’ll also learn about the divine feminine and divine masculine, mala beads, and more!

Get in touch with Elizabeth, book a session, or order her jewelry: https://www.elizabethpowellfitness.com/

Episode 49: A Few of My Own Paranormal Encounters

In the spirit of Spooky Season, Nicolle shares stories that haven’t been published in her books or shared on the podcast before. From a ghostly hitchhiker in the back of a pickup to a spirit riding the elevator in a hospital, these stories fit into October evenings quite nicely.

Learn more about the Haunted Carolina presentation for the Wake County Public Libraries: https://guides.wakegov.com/nchistory/haunted

Find details about Nicolle’s book signing here: https://fb.me/e/2eZfWI9Tf

Episode 48: Nicolle Answers Your Paranormal Questions

Nicolle answers questions about the paranormal from listeners and friends – honestly and openly – ranging from what would make her want to investigate a location to what investigation has been her scariest so far, and what was her favorite experience with the paranormal and why.

Buy Nicolle’s book about her investigations: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1690605383/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tpbk_p1_i1

Buy Nicolle’s latest book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B9QPKC6G/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tpbk_p1_i0

Episode 47: Raj Karki – Meditation, Sound Therapy, and Eastern Philosophy

Raj Karki joins Niki to discuss the benefits of meditation, using sound to heal, the meaning of yoga, and some ideas based in Eastern philosophy.

Get in touch with Raj: gurukula.nc@gmail.com

Buy Nicolle’s latest book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B9QPKC6G/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tpbk_p1_i0

Register for the Haunted Carolina virtual presentation: https://tinyurl.com/hauntedcarolina

Episode 46: Mark Turner - Intuition and Remote Viewing

Mark Turner joins Nicolle to discuss remote viewing and share some of his own experiences with the paranormal, ranging from lucid dreaming to witnessing a UFO over Raleigh, NC.

Learn more about the Rhine Research Center’s Remote Viewing Group: https://www.rhineonline.org/remote-viewing-group

Episode 45: The Sasquatch Society

In this episode, Ryan Willis and Nick Toth of the Sasquatch Society and Sasquatch University join Nicolle to talk about one of her favorite cryptids and how they’re encouraging other university students to get involved in Bigfoot research.

Learn more about Sasquatch University: https://www.sasquatchuniversity.com/

Episode 44: Holistic Health with Tasha Maria Soto

In this episode, you’ll meet Tasha Maria Soto of Salud Natural Wellness Center in Raleigh, NC. Listen as she describes how she became a believer in naturopathy and explains some of the tools and modalities she uses to help her clients improve their wellbeing.

Learn more about Tasha’s practice: https://www.saludnaturalwellnesscenter.com/

Episode 43: Are We Creating Our Own Reality?

Nicolle dives into some questions about how our consciousness and perceptions might influence the world around us. How much control do we have over our reality, really?

YouTube video of Joe Vitale explaining Ho’oponopono: https://youtu.be/RODRmw85B4M

Episode 42: My UFO Experience

July 6, 2022

Nicolle shares her own personal story of unidentified aerial phenomena that happened in November 1997 near Raleigh, North Carolina.

Episode 41: Current Psi Experiments

May 25, 2022

Nicolle gets back to the science part of the show's "science + psi" equation and highlights some current scientific research into parapsychology and psi phenomena.

Dr. Radin's study: https://us.psytoolkit.org/c/3.4.0/survey?s=C8XRY

Check out IONS list of current studies: https://noetic.org/science/participate-research/

Review the Rhine Research Center's latest experiments: https://www.rhineonline.org/rhine-research-projects

Fill out the American Society for Psychical Research questionnaire: http://www.aspr.com/question.htm

View current research at the University of Virginia Division of Perceptual Studies:


Episode 40: Melina Mortensen and Dreamland

May 11, 2022

Nicolle introduces you to Melina Mortensen, an author and time traveler who shares the story of her spiritual awakening and how her dreams may be affecting other people's realities.
Find Melina's books:
Visit Kuantum Life:
Book a session with Melina:

Episode 39: Susan Melchione – Working with Reiki, Archangelic Light, and More

April 27, 2022

Susan Melchione introduces us to Reiki, Archangelic Light, Energetic Cord Cutting, and Chakradance! Learn the difference between these alternative healing modalities and listen to the conversation about setting intentions, how the Universe will respect the boundaries you set, and more!

Get in touch with Susan, book a session, or sign up for a class at https://susanmelchione.com

Episode 38: Discover Yoga with Sandra Litke

April 13, 2022

In this episode, you'll meet Sandra Litke, a master yoga teacher based in Raleigh, NC. Sandra describes different types of yoga practices, explains the five koshas, Vedic meditation, and more - and she gives a deeper understanding of why yoga can be beneficial for everyone. Join Nicolle for this fascinating conversation!

Follow Sandra on Instagram @sandralitke_flows

Practice with Sandra in person with Raleigh, NC-based Nova Retreats www.novaretreats.com

Learn more about Sandra at https://litkeyoga.com/

Episode 37: Positivity and Realism

March 30, 2022

In this short episode, Nicolle considers the power of having an optimistic mindset, how to create one, and how positivity can affect your reality. Believe it or not, there's science to back it up!

Mayo Clinic article about positive thinking: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/positive-thinking/art-20043950

NIH article: The ethics of positive thinking in healthcare: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7166246/

Episode 36: Jill Shelley and the Haunted Boyd House

March 16, 2022

In this episode, Nicolle interviews Jill Shelley about her experiences investigating the paranormal and what it's like to own an actively haunted location solely for the purpose of investigating it. Hint: She's developed quite the relationship with the spiritual residents!

Find out more about the Boyd House and get in touch with Jill Shelley: https://boydhouse217.com/

Episode 35: Emotions, Their Physical Effects, and Alternative Healing Modalities

March 2, 2022

In this episode, Nicolle reviews a handful of studies that look at the link between emotions and physical health, as well as research articles on the benefits of Therapeutic Yoga and Reiki. Links to those articles are located in this episode's show notes and transcript page at peeppodcast.com.

Episode 34: Dr. Kelly Renee Schutz – Paranormal Encounters

February 16, 2022

Dr. Kelley Renee Schutz has had a lifetime of paranormal encounters, and in this episode, she shares tales from her childhood through adulthood and how they've evolved over the years, connecting some dots along the way.

Learn more about Dr. Schutz: http://www.paranormaluniversalpress.com/

UFO Mega Conference link: https://www.ufomegacon.com/speakers/dr-kelly-renee-schutz/

Minnesota ParaUnity Convention: https://mnparacon.com/

Episode 33: The Skeptical Scale

February 2, 2022

In this short episode, Nicolle takes a few minutes to ponder the concept of a scale of skepticism from total cynic to total believer and shares where she'd place herself on that scale. Where do you think you fit?

Episode 32: Kristi and Kim Explain Therapeutic Yoga

January 19, 2022

Kristi Schwickerath and Kim Stewart join Nicolle to describe how therapeutic yoga has helped them in their personal lives, how it differs from the yoga most people practice, and how it can help you find "more comfort in the discomfort." You'll also hear about a personal paranormal experience while they share their stories.

Get in touch with Kristi Schwickerath: https://www.optimalwellnessyoga.com

Episode 31: Cynthia McNulty and Her 2022 Astrological Forecast

January 5, 2022

Are you curious about what 2022 has in store? Astrologer Cynthia McNulty returns to talk about big planetary movements and how they can affect everyone in the coming year. Don't miss her explanation of a big one that specifically affects the United States!

Read Cynthia's explanation of Jupiter in Pisces: https://www.essentialzodiac.com/blog/2021/12/29/jupiter-in-pisces-2021-a-journey-of-transcendence

Episode 30: Mark A. Anderson - Paranormal Investigations in Eastern NC

December 22, 2021

Author and former law enforcement officer Mark A. Anderson shares his experiences investigating the paranormal in eastern North Carolina. Hear about some of his favorite haunted locations and his process for investigations.

Mark’s website: http://ncparanormalresearch.com/

NC Paranormal Research YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/NcParanormalResearch/videos

Episode 29: Spiritual Journeys

December 8, 2021

Nicolle briefly discusses the idea of spiritual journeys, gives a pop culture example, and explains how this podcast has inadvertently become a part of hers.

Episode 28: Smith Primm Shares His Journey to the Akashic Records

October 27, 2021

Smith Primm has a voracious thirst for knowledge that has led him to an unexpected calling: reader of the Akashic Records. Hear about his journey and learn how he uses the legendary collection of knowledge to help others heal.

Get in touch with Smith Primm and learn more about the Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship: https://spiritual-frontiers.com/

Episode 27: From Near-Death Experiencer to Energy Healer

October 13, 2021

Meet Amazon international best-selling author Betsy Lambert and hear how her near-death experience started her on a journey of discovery that led to an exciting post-retirement career helping others to heal themselves.

Get in touch with Betsy: http://theastralconnection.com/

Episode 26: Robert and Suzanne Mays Discuss Near-Death Experiences

September 29, 2021

Tunnels, a bright light, spiritual beings, prophetic visions, and one underlying message that we can all learn from … Near-Death Experiences may be controversial in scientific circles, but with innumerable accounts over decades and centuries, it’s hard to argue they aren’t real experiences. The question is how do we study them? Robert and Suzanne Mays join Nicolle to talk about their ongoing research into NDEs and what they’ve learned so far.

Get in touch with Robert and Suzanne Mays: https://selfconsciousmind.com/

To take (or share) the NDE and Visions of the Future survey: https://tinyurl.com/NDE-Future-Visions

Watch Robert and Suzanne’s IANDS Conference presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmJS5PU5yKo

Episode 25: Cynthia McNulty Explains How Astrology Works

September 15, 2021

If you’ve ever wondered what “Mercury in retrograde” means and why it’s become a popular thing to blame our woes on, or how a newspaper horoscope could be very right or way off the mark depending on the day, you’ll get your answers in this episode. Cynthia McNulty from Essential Zodiac explains natal charts, retrogrades, and more!

Get in touch with Cynthia McNulty: https://www.essentialzodiac.com/

Link for more information on Nicolle’s October 7th Talk: https://spiritual-frontiers.com/?tribe_events=nicolle-morock-evolution-of-a-ghost-hunter-from-fear-to-fascination

Episode 24: Carrie Jeroslow – Intuitive. Energy Healer. Author. Relationship Coach

September 1, 2021

Carrie Jeroslow is a woman of many talents, and in this episode, she shares stories of developing her spiritual gifts, her energy-healing practice, the surprising way her first book came to be, and living in a haunted house, among many others. It’s a fascinating conversation that will have you thinking about gratitude, compassion, and personal empowerment.

Keep up with Carrie at https://www.carriejeroslow.com/

Episode 23: Darby Orcutt – Librarian. Professor. Paranormal Researcher.

August 18, 2021

Prepare to meet one of the coolest librarians around as Nicolle talks with Darby Orcutt about how scientists, academics, and amateur researchers can work together to seriously investigate topics like Bigfoot, spirits, and other paranormal phenomena. It’s a deep conversation that’ll make you think – a lot! You might even have your mind blown!

Episode 22: Don't Just Look. Observe.

August 4, 2021

In this short episode, Nicolle discusses why being a good observer is useful in paranormal investigation and everyday life. She also shares an exercise you can use to improve your skills while taking a few minutes out of your busy day to relax.

Episode 21: Ethics in Paranormal Investigation

July 21, 2021

If you think ghost hunting is running around in the dark, whispering “did you hear that,” and screaming profanities at invisible entities, you’ve watched too many TV shows. Professional paranormal investigative groups have rules, and while they may vary by group, they’re usually based in ethics and safety. In this episode, Nicolle explains some of the most important ethical guidelines for paranormal investigation.

Episode 20: The Interactive EVP Experiment Results Episode – What Did You Hear?

July 7, 2021

This episode is the results episode and follow-up to interactive Episode 17! We did a little science + psi research with EVP that host Nicolle Morock has captured over her ten-plus years of paranormal investigations. In this episode, she replays the audio, reveals the results of the “What do you hear?” survey, and shares the stories behind each EVP recording.

 Learn more about Mordecai Historic Park: https://raleighnc.gov/places/mordecai-historic-park

Episode 19: The History of Parapsychology, Part 3 - An Overview of Spiritualism

June 23, 2021

Nicolle continues her review of the history of parapsychology with an overview of the era of Spiritualism and some of the more famous mediums of the time. Whether you believe they were honest or fraudulent, you must admit they captured attention.

Online source: The Fox Sisters and the Rap on Spiritualism

Episode 18: The Sergeant and the Haunted Jail

June 9, 2021

Sergeant works in a county jail somewhere in the state of North Carolina, and she shares her paranormal experiences with us – experiences that range from apparitions to possible possessions. Warning: this one could be rated PG-13 due to a few somewhat graphic descriptions of real events. It definitely has a major creep factor, and my friends who enjoy these kinds of tales will appreciate what Sergeant has to share.

Episode 17: The Interactive EVP Episode – What Do You Hear?

May 19, 2021

This episode is interactive! We’re doing a little science + psi research with EVP that host Nicolle Morock has captured over her ten plus years of paranormal investigations. It’s going to be fun, so spread the word and share the link!
To participate in this EVP research study, fill out the totally anonymous form here:
https://forms.gle/KqgJs5vXYpJNUSGY9 The form closes on June 24th, 2021.

Episode 16: Robert Waggoner – How Lucid Dreaming Can Be More Than Learning to Fly

May 12, 2021

If you’ve ever wondered how some people can control their dreams, here’s your chance to find out. Robert Waggoner, author of “Lucid Dreaming – Gateway to the Inner Self,” explains how lucid dreaming can be achieved and used for more than just flying and exploring – like physical and emotional healing.
Learn more about lucid dreaming and connect with Robert:

Episode 15: The History of Parapsychology, Part 2

April 28, 2021

Nicolle continues her review of the history of parapsychology with a deeper look into Mesmerism. If you’ve ever heard the term “animal magnetism,” you might be surprised what its original meaning was. Hint: It has nothing to do with leopard-prints suits.

Online source: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Franz-Anton-Mesmer

Episode 14: John Kruth – Studying Biophotons and Healing Energy in the Lab

April 14, 2021

You're in for an illuminating conversation when the Executive Director of The Rhine Research Center, John Kruth, explains how his early curiosity about auras and energy healers led to his current research into biophotons. He describes how they’ve created a lab at the Rhine Research Center specifically for experiments with healers, mediums, and martial artists and tells us about related upcoming research.

Find out more about The Rhine Research Center: https://www.rhineonline.org/

Learn more about courses from The Rhine Education Center: http://www.rhineedu.org/

Episode 13: The History of Parapsychology, Part 1

March 31, 2021

Nicolle starts a review of the history of parapsychology from the end of the Renaissance to the present. You might be surprised at the many ways mediumship, telepathy, psychokinesis, and more have been studied through the centuries. In Part 1, she covers the era from Renaissance magic to the dawn of Mesmerism.

Episode 12: Rick Noriega – Early Childhood NDEs and Other Paranormal Experiences

March 17, 2021

Rick Noriega is a professional psychic and shamanic healer who shares some of his paranormal experiences with us. From two NDEs in childhood to seeing the spirits of the recently deceased to realizing he was a natural healer, Rick has some very interesting stories.

Get in touch with Rick: https://healingbyhawkeye.com/

Episode 11: Brittany Quagan and The Yale COPE Project

March 4, 2021

Brittany Quagan is a therapist, psychic/medium, the co-director of the SPIRIT Alliance, and a researcher for the Yale COPE Project, an ongoing study about how people who hear voices can control their experiences. She explains what the project is, how it’s being conducted, and what personal experiences lead her to get involved.

Find out more about The Yale COPE Project: https://www.spirit.research.yale.edu/If you are having suicidal thoughts or tendencies, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255

Episode 10: Chris Cogswell – Skyhub Searching the Skies for UAP/UFOs

February 18, 2021

Chris Cogswell of The Mad Scientist Podcast joins Nicolle to talk about Sky Hub – a citizen science project that anyone can get involved with that’s searching the skies for UAP/UFOs in a collaborative, transparent way. It’s a serious yet fun organization to be a part of and possibly the most likely way we may actually capture legitimately unexplained phenomena on camera.
The link to Sky Hub’s video captures that we talked about in this episode:
Check out The Mad Scientist Podcast at

Episode 9: Christine Simmonds-Moore – Studying the Psychic Personality

February 3, 2021

Meet Christine Simmonds-Moore, Ph.D., Associate Professor at UWG, and get answers to questions like these: What types of people are more likely to have paranormal experiences? In what states of consciousness are they more likely? What research methods do parapsychologists use? How does a scientist study ghosts in a lab? And more!
The link to Christine’s bio on the University of West Georgia website:

Episode 8: Tiffany Johnson - Life as a Professional Medium

January 20, 2021

In this episode, Psychic Medium Tiffany Johnson, who’s been a professional psychic for 24 years and has been called “our generation’s most gifted psychic medium” shares amazing stories from her childhood to the present – including when she discovered she was “different” and her favorite things about being a medium. Highlights include helping families heal, an amazing past life regression story, and answers to listener questions. You’ll enjoy this candid conversation!
The link to Tiffany’s website:

Episode 7: Who Is Nicolle Morock?

January 6, 2021

In this episode, producer and host Nicolle Morock shares more of her background to give insight into her motivation for creating The P.E.E.P. Podcast, including personal stories of empathy and intuition, investigations, ghosts, prophetic dreams, possible past lives, and more.

Episode 6: Brandon Massullo - Enchanted Spaces

December 23, 2020

In this episode, Brandon Massullo, a clinical therapist, author, and parapsychologist, joins Nicolle to discuss the idea of enchanted spaces and why some locations may seem more likely to be haunted than others.
The link to Brandon’s website:
The link to one of the articles Brandon co-authored that we discussed in the episode: Things that Go Bump in the Literature: An Environmental Appraisal of Haunted Houses:

Episode 5: Dr. Urszula Wolski - Researching the Researchers

December 9, 2020

In this episode, we meet Dr. Uszula Wolski, who is researching the researchers – meaning she’s studying paranormal investigators. Find out what sparked her interest in the paranormal, what she’s hoping to learn, and how you can help her.
The link to Dr. Wolski’s survey:

Episode 4: Terri and Technology

November 25, 2020

In the follow up to Episode 3, we hear from Terri, a woman who’s had experiences with the technology around her being affected by her emotions since she was a child. She also shares stories that run the paranormal gamut from ghosts and haunted places to UFOs and aliens. You’re going to enjoy this entertaining conversation!

Episode 3: Emotions, Technology, and a Poltergeist with John Kruth

November 11, 2020

In part 1 of a 2-part series, John Kruth, Executive Director of the Rhine Research Center, is back to talk about one of his own research studies – using IT to measure whether human emotions can affect technology. He also shares the story of a field investigation involving a technology poltergeist.
Learn more about the Rhine Research Center at

Episode 2: Ghost Walks, Belief, and Pepper Parris

October 28, 2020

In this episode, Nicolle shares how two researchers of parapsychology studied whether taking a ghost walk tour could affect a person’s belief in the paranormal. Then she talks with Pepper Parris of Ghost Hunters of Asheville, who shares her experiences running a ghost tour company and explains why Asheville, NC, seems so haunted.

Book a ghost tour with Ghost Hunters of Asheville at http://www.ghosthuntersofasheville.com/index.html

Episode 1: Intro to P.E.E.P. and PSI Research

October 7, 2020

On the premiere episode of the P.E.E.P. Podcast, host Nicolle Morock introduces herself and describes her vision for a podcast explaining how scientists study PSI. She's then joined by the Executive Director of The Rhine Research Center, John Kruth, who shares the history of one of the most respected centers for parapsychological study and the exciting things happening there now.
Connect with the Rhine at

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