In honor of the 75th anniversary of the Roswell UFO crash, I want to share my own personal UFO experience. Before you hit “next,” hear me out. I’m not claiming this was alien or talking about government conspiracies. I’m simply sharing something that happened to me nearly 25 years ago, for which I still don’t have an answer.
Welcome to the PEEP Podcast. I’m your host Nicolle Morock, and on this episode, I’m going to share my story about seeing unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP, formerly and still known as unidentified flying objects, or UFOs.
But first, I want to say thanks for sticking with me through my summer break. When I announced at the end of May that I was taking June off to work on my book and completing my Emotion Code certification, I had no idea what an… adventure… June would turn out to be.
On May 31st, I had surgery on my right wrist to remove a painful cyst that was affecting my ability to do things from planks and downward dogs to pushing a heavy door open. I knew that would require some healing but wasn’t quite mentally prepared for being without the use of my right hand for two weeks. Still, the results would be worth it.
Then, just a week later, the absolutely unexpected happened. On the night of the 6th, I drove myself to our local emergency room with lower abdominal pain. By the next morning, I was having an appendectomy. Thankfully, I listened to the nurse I spoke with on the 24-hour nurse line that night and went to the ER when I did – before my appendix ruptured.
So, two surgeries in two weeks meant I spent more time not being productive than I had anticipated during June, but thankfully, I’m healing well.
And I’m happy to say that with determination, I finished both of those projects by June 30th! My novel is going to my proofreaders, and I’m officially a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner! If that sounds familiar to you, or even if it doesn’t, in Episode 27, I interviewed Betsy Lambert about that healing modality. I’d never heard of it before speaking with her, and after that interview, I bought the book and read it over the holidays.
Around New Year’s Day, I practiced it on myself, and it worked in a way that felt pretty miraculous. Without going into tons of detail, I’ll say that after two decades of barometric-pressure-related migraines, I’ve been migraine free since January 2nd! Of course, that sort of healing convinced me to dive fully into learning more and earning my certification. So, now I can help others release their own emotional baggage, so they can heal more easily. I’m so excited to add that to my Reiki mastership as two ways to assist others in living happier, healthier lives.
And I credit both modalities to helping me deal with the trauma associated with an emergency appendectomy and my physical healing process after both surgeries.
Now, back to today’s topic – UFOs!
I shared this story on Ryan Sprague’s Somewhere in the Skies Podcast, Episode 193, titled Witness Accounts Volume 14. I was honored to be included there. Now, on the week of the 75th anniversary of the alleged UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico, I think it’s time I share my story with you, my own listeners.
I don’t do this to say that my experience is in anyway more important than anyone else’s. In fact, I’ve invited other eyewitnesses to share their stories here, but I realize that the best way to show this is a safe space for ALL types of paranormal stories is to share my own. So, here it goes.
This happened in November of 1997 just south of Falls Lake and north of Raleigh, North Carolina. I was driving home from work down highway 50, which is a two-lane highway that goes over the lake and through the woods. It was just a little after 5pm and still light out but approaching dusk.
At that time, I was about a year out of college with a communication degree and had not yet gone back for my meteorology degree. I was a video editor and office manager for a small wedding video company based north of Falls Lake.
Back then, there was hardly anything on that road because development hadn’t spread that far north yet. Today, it looks completely different up there.
I was approaching a rare intersection with a stop light, which was – and still is – in a clearing, and I was heading south. To my left (east), on the north side of the intersection was a gas station, set back a bit from the road and the tree line was at least 50 feet (maybe more) behind that. There was a man driving the vehicle in front of me, and I was driving my little red Isuzu pickup. The light was red, so we were slowing to a stop.
Something made me look back over my left shoulder out my side window. It might have been motion in my side-view mirror, but I’m not sure. I looked over my shoulder as I was stopping the pickup and saw two round balls of light back to the northeast. These days, I would call them orbs of light, but at that time I didn’t really know that word.
In altitude, they were close to the top of the tall pine trees we have all over North Carolina. They looked to be about the size of beach balls (bigger than a basketball for sure). I don’t recall any solid form, just two lights. And I must admit all these years later, I’m a little fuzzy on the exact color they started as, but I think it was red. They came from back there and flew toward the center of the intersection in front of me. As they did, it was like they were playing follow-the-leader. They stayed about 4 feet apart the whole time and the one in front changed color when it was parallel – but still above my side of the truck. I think it went to yellow. Just a half-second later – quickly but definitely delayed – the one behind it changed to the same color.
When they got over the intersection, they made a sharp turn and went back to my right (northwest) and headed back toward the trees on that side of the clearing. So, I had to look over my right shoulder through my rear window to watch them leave.
It all seemed to happen in slow motion, and I remember wondering if the guy in front of me was seeing the same thing. How could he miss that?
The light turned green, and he started driving, and so, I did, too. I don’t recall seeing them appear or disappear. I just watched them as they made this V shape in the sky above me. It seemed like they got lower as they approached the road and higher as they left. I didn’t have to strain my neck to look up through the windshield to see them above the intersection.
It was obviously weird, but I wasn’t scared – just really curious. What on earth did I just see?
I grew up hearing stories of others in my family having seen UFOs, so maybe that’s why I didn’t freak out. I spent the rest of the drive home – about 7 minutes into Raleigh – going over it all in my head. There was nothing attached to the lights. If it had been a helicopter, unless it was completely invisible, I would have seen it, and I’m pretty sure we STILL don’t have that kind of technology even today.
I still lived with my parents at the time and couldn’t wait to tell my dad when I got home because I was sure he’d believe me. He did, but of course, he couldn’t tell me what it was either.
The balls of light somehow reminded me of drones from Star Wars even though there’s not technically anything like that in Star Wars. I’m not convinced they weren’t terrestrial, but as a meteorologist, I’m 100% sure it wasn’t any type of weather phenomena or swamp gas or whatever. These seemed to be under intelligent control and their path made the shape of a V over the intersection.
I’ve met quite a few meteorologists over the years that work in the DoD, Army, and Air Force, and I’ve shared my experience with each one and asked if they had ever heard of or seen anything like that. All have said no. And even the ones with higher clearances have had looks on their faces that said they weren’t lying to me when they said no. Of course, I know that having high-level clearance doesn’t mean you know everything that happens in the government.
I shared this on Ryan’s podcast in the hopes that if anyone else had seen something similar, they’d come forward. I do have one friend that I went to high school with who told me once that he and a friend of his had seen something similar in the Raleigh area on Halloween – back while we were still in high school. They didn’t report it because being teenage boys on Halloween, they didn’t expect anyone to believe them. I don't blame them.
That leads me to wonder if this particular brand of UAP was localized because we graduated high school in 1992 and my experience was five years later. So far, after years of watching UFO documentaries and listening to podcasts like Somewhere in the Skies, I have yet to hear another story with a matching description.
A few more notes about my sighting: I did not experience missing time – thank goodness! But time did seem to slow down as I watched the orbs move through the sky. Being that it was 1997 and I wasn’t carrying my 35-millimeter camera with me, I did not take a photo, and honestly, even if it happened yesterday, I don’t think I would have taken a photo with my iPhone. I was fully enthralled with what I was looking at, and I would not have thought to take my eyes off those orbs to grab my phone, tap on the camera, and try to capture footage. Even if that had been the case, they would have been out of sight by the time I went through that process.
For that reason, when I hear stories – even in recent times with our access to current technology – from witnesses to UFOs, Bigfoot, other cryptids, or anything else unusual, especially if it happened quickly and unexpectedly, I don’t judge them for not getting photographic evidence. Most of use would be too busy processing what we’re seeing to think to grab a camera.
If you’ve read my novel The Tritium Hypothesis and this story sounds familiar to you, it’s because I based Rayna and Wolf’s first sighting on my own. I always like to put a little of my own personal experiences into my novels – you know – hiding a little nonfiction in the midst of fiction.
So, now you’ve heard my big UFO story. I’ve actually had two other UAP experiences before it, but this one is the most mysterious. The others could more easily have mundane explanations – at least eventually – so I don’t bother sharing them publicly.
If you’re interested in sharing your own UFO or other type of paranormal experiences, please use the contact form at to get in touch. That's P-E-E-P Remember that stands for People Experiencing Everyday Paranormal.