
 For those who study the paranormal and metaphysical aspects of our world, psi (represented by the Greek letter in the art on the front cover of this book) refers to parapsychological phenomenon including extra sensory perception (ESP), precognition, and psychokinesis. Nicolle Morock has spent most of her life experiencing the paranormal. Over the last decade, she has investigated it as a member and Vice-president of the National Society of Paranormal Investigation and Research. Her most memorable adventures include
  • An angry spirit throwing a temper tantrum in a hotel room while she slept
  • The amorous ghost of a sailor leaving a heart-felt message on a digital recorder
  • Walking into a private home that felt like it was in the middle of an energetic earthquake
  • Being present when Saint Michael removed a dark spirit attachment from a friend.
  • These stories and more give the reader a glimpse into the reality of paranormal investigations and research.
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Please don't call me psychic cover
In Rayna Smith's world "normal" is a scientist sharing her home with an opinionated cat and a grumpy ghost. Things get weird when she's called to investigate a horse's unusual death on a nearby farm, a strange hum heard on a mountain across the valley, and her own UFO sighting - all in the same day! Can she, her friends, and a handsome forest ranger separate coincidence from design to help her small town get a grasp on the sudden influx of strange events? 
"I couldn’t wait to see what was coming next right through the end...
It has just the right amount of whimsy and humor...
I also think the fact that [it] had me hook, line and sinker, even to the point of being annoyed, initially, by how the book ended, is a testament to your writing skills. 
What fun would a book, particularly one about a hypothesis, be if it was predictable? "
~from an honest review by Carol W.
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The Tritium Hypothesis book cover 2023
There’s something dark and angry in the barn.

When four friends investigate a private home where rocks of mysterious origin land on the roof, a red light bounces around inside, and a marble has a will of its own, the situation quickly becomes intense. Can they help the homeowner find answers and gain peace, or will they lose to an entity’s age-old hostility?

Rayna, Sam, Barb, and Wolf are on the case in this sequel to The Tritium Hypothesis.

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The Dark Season cover 2023
Grumpy's Gift
Rayna Smith's New Year's Eve plans are thrown into chaos when a simple dinner turns into a culinary catastrophe. Can the night be salvaged, or will her first real dinner party go down in history as the worst ever?

Download your FREE copy of Grumpy's Gift - a short-story sequel to The Dark Season.

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Grumpy's Gift cover
House of Horrors: A Paranormal Choose Your Own Adventure Story
Will you survive your investigation of the House of Horrors?

You're invited to investigate an allegedly haunted home near downtown, and from the moment you cross the threshold, something doesn't feel quite right. The homeowner explains that she often experiences disembodied voices, the feeling of being watched, and sleepless nights.

As you work through this frightening choose-your-own-adventure story, you get to decide where to start your investigation and whether you prefer to explore the science or the legend within this House of Horrors. Beware but have fun, too.

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House of Horrors cover
The Companion: a short story based on a dream
If all dreams were like this, would you ever want to sleep?

She is loved and hated, hunted and worshipped - it all depends on the day. Who is this creature that uses puddles for portals and treads a fine line between protector and prey? Find out in this short story based entirely on one of the most vivid dreams the author has ever had.

Get your FREE copy of The Companion: a short story based on a dream!
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Grumpy's Gift cover
The Perfect Circle
[no longer available for purchase]
Nicolle's first novel.
The story follows a fictional character on an adventure while she searches an area in South Dakota for the location of a legend lost to time. While the plot line is fictional, the ghost stories intertwined with it are true, first-hand accounts as told to the author by friends, family, and random strangers over the years.

The Perfect Circle

Or Order a Signed Copy the Old-Fashioned Way

Current Work in progress:

 Daughter of the Mystic Moon - Nicolle's first full-length medieval fantasy novel about a young healer who learns her family's secrets as she searches for her kidnapped mother.

Future Works:

A new adventure for Rayna and her friends is taking shape.

A multiverse-hopping, world-saving, what-if-loaded science fiction novel that will boggle your mind in a fun way.

A super hero story like you've never read before.

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