We talk a lot about positive vibes versus negative vibes these days, but do you know how to keep negative energy at bay? Today, I’ll give you some tips for protecting yourself against different forms of negative energy.
Welcome to the PEEP Podcast! I’m your host Nicolle Morock, and on this episode we’re discussing psychic protection from negative energy.
But first, I want to thank the people who attended my grand opening for Great Is the Spirit! I’m forever grateful you took time out of your Sunday to join me for an hour to talk about The Emotion Code and Reiki. It was a pleasure to have you!
I also want to announce that I’m bringing back the Charity of the Month on my website. Each month, I’ll donate 20% of the profits from my book sales and my healing sessions to a favorite charity. For February, I’ve picked The Green Chair Project in my hometown of Raleigh, North Carolina. I absolutely love them for the work they do helping people transition from homelessness into a comfortable home, so it only makes sense they are the beneficiary for February as I restart my charity of the month.
In previous episodes, we’ve talked about different ways to keep a positive mindset, but we haven’t really looked at how to protect ourselves from the Dark Side. (Yes, I’m a Star Wars kid, so forgive me if I throw in a few references now and then.)
When I speak of negative energy here, I’m talking about anything from other people throwing bad vibes in your direction to actual negative entities such as angry spirits, or worse.
There are many ways to protect yourself from negative energy, and different forms of psychic protection will work for different people. What is important is to start by choosing one that resonates with you. In most cases, that will be what works best, and if it doesn’t? Well, we’ll address that later.
One of the most common ways to keep negative energy at bay is prayer. Now, don’t hit stop on your podcast app just yet. I’m starting with the most obvious, but I’m not planning to get preachy.
Regardless of your religion, if you practice one, I’m sure there is at least one prayer for protection firmly established within it. If you aren’t aware of one, I’m also sure Google will surface some suggestions.
Being Catholic, I know of several different prayers for protection – The Prayer to Your Guardian Angel, The Breastplate of St. Patrick, and The Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel are just a few of the most popular. If you read my latest novel, the Dark Season, you’ll know that prayer to St. Michael has a special place in my heart. There is a lot of my personality and personal experiences in Rayna’s stories.
I will share these prayers on the PEEP Podcast’s Facebook group page when this episode publishes in case you’re interested in them.
Even if you don’t know of a formalized prayer for protection, you can make one up. I have one that I say daily. It has evolved over the years from a visualization I used to do into its current quick and simple prayer form, and since I’m a visual person, I naturally still visualize the base of it when I say it. It goes like this:
Dear Lord, Protect me in white light and positive energy, insulate me from negativity, and help me to be a reflection of your light and a conduit of your love to the world. Thank you.
It’s that easy! If you can’t find one, create one.
Since I just mentioned visualization, I’ll cover that next. Back in my 20s, when I was first learning to control my experiences as an empath who regularly had paranormal experiences, my professional psychic friends taught me how powerful visualizations can be. Now, if you’re someone like Chris Cogswell from Episode 10, who doesn’t have the ability to visualize anything, you can just store this information for future conversations.
The first, easiest protection visualization I learned was to imagine myself surrounded in a bubble of white light and positive energy. In my mind’s eye, it’s kind of egg-shaped when I’m standing up, but when I’m laying down… well… it maybe a bit more casket shaped. The exact shape you see doesn’t matter. The idea is to picture it fully surrounding you, protecting you from the outside world and anything negative that might be acting against you.
You can even imagine it growing to a few feet away from you to help you protect your personal space as you move through the world.
Another visualization I’ve used is to imagine strong yellow light emanating from my solar plexus chakra. That’s your third chakra and the personal power center of your own energy. I imagine it above my belly button and below my heart. Yellow is the color associated with the solar plexus, and because of that, it’s my favorite power color.
When I need to Jedi mind-trick someone who is coming at me with large amounts of negative energy, I imagine yellow light pushing them away from me. In fact, I’ve used it in social settings when the person standing next to me – say at a crowded concert venue – was giving seriously bad vibes.
Taking a pause from enjoying the show, I closed my eyes for a second to focus my energy and visualized a wall of yellow light moving away from me toward her. Within seconds, she backed off and moved about three feet away. I never looked directly at her, and she seemed a little confused, but it worked.
This is a trick I learned as a kid, only I didn’t realize it was even a lesson until recently.
There are songs I was taught as a child that filled me with joy and reminded me that happiness is a choice. One is “Let the Sun Shine In,” and another is “I’ve Got that Joy (Down in My Heart). Yes, they’re church songs for little kids, but they work wonders. Even as an adult, when I’m facing something – like dealing with a paranormal investigation client surrounded by darkness – those songs come to mind to help me get in the right mindset to help them overcome.
It doesn’t have to be a church song either. I recently heard a psychic telling another podcaster during an interview that she’s broken into singing at the top of her lungs “Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog” when she felt threatened by a dark entity. Whatever song brings a smile to your face and strength to your heart will work. I don’t care if it’s by an 80s glam band, Peter, Paul, and Mary, or the Muppets. If it works, sing it loud!
I’ve talked about yoga and meditation in other episodes for calming your mind and creating a positive mindset. Those results absolutely help to fend off negative energy. If you respond to an influx of negativity in your life with calm, strength, and balance, its effects will be greatly reduced. Responding to negative energy with more negative energy only amplifies the trouble it brings. Respond with peace in your heart and your mind, and it usually fizzles.
And if you feel like you need more than meditation and yoga to be in a good state of mental health, seek help. Find a good therapist, talk with a counselor or minister, book an Emotion Code session – whatever. It’s much easier to go to battle externally, when you’re feeling good internally. There are people who can help. Reach out to them.
It’s not just one of my favorite Train songs. When the other options don’t get the job done, ask for help from a higher level. Call on your angels, spirit guides, and beings of the light to help you fend off the darkness. Believe that they will come, and they will. I’ve experienced it for myself.
This is a little different from prayer in that it comes from a slightly different place, for me anyway. When I say my daily prayer for protection, it’s to get me through the day – through a crazy commute, potentially difficult business conversations, people around me who are having rough days and taking it out on the people around them… all of that. But if I call on my angels to help with a specific situation, I’m asking for assistance because I’m feeling a little out of my depth.
And when I’m really desperate, for lack of a better term, I’m having a serious conversation with St. Michael the Archangel, because he’s the commander of God’s angelic army. If you want to know why my belief in him and his Merry Band of Angels is so strong, read my book, “Please, don’t call me psychic.” There’s a chapter devoted to an experience that raised my level of awareness of him more than any other event in my life.
By the way, I should rename that book.
And remember, never be afraid to ask for help from other people. Whether you ask a friend, a minister or priest, or a paranormal investigator, two heads are better than one when you’re feeling overwhelmed. You don’t have to go it alone.
There are other ways to protect yourself from negative energy, but these are the ones I employ most and the ones I’ve found used most by the people around me. Head over to the Facebook group and share yours!
Thanks for listening! I’ll post some prayers and songs to the Facebook group page over the next few days. If you haven’t found the group yet, just go to the podcast page: Facebook.com/P.E.E.P.Podcast and look for the Group that’s connected there.
If you are interested in sharing your own paranormal stories with us or if you have an idea for an episode topic, please reach out through the contact form at peeppodcast.com. That's P-E-E-P Podcast.com. Remember that stands for People Experiencing Everyday Paranormal.
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Thanks again for listening! Stay safe and be well!