In the last episode, I shared some of my favorite ways to protect against negative energy. This week, I’ll share a personal story that might help explain why I believe in what I do.
Welcome to the PEEP Podcast! I’m your host Nicolle Morock, and on this episode, we’re answering a listener question in response to Episode 57’s topic asking how I know about psychic protection? While I have many personal experiences that have informed my knowledge, I’ll share one of the most impactful.
For those who have bought my book, “Please, don’t call me psychic. Stories from my paranormal life,” (thank you) you’ll already be familiar with this story. If you haven’t read the book, this will be new to you, and an example of the experiences I’ve had as a paranormal investigator. This story is really a friend’s story about picking up a spirit attachment while doing her job, but I shared it in the book because sometimes when you witness amazing things, you feel the compulsion to let others know. Her name and the name of the person who helped her have been changed to protect their identities.
Whether you believe it or not isn’t of my concern, and as I always say, it’s not the experiencer’s job to convince anyone of their own reality. I share it with the hope that it reaches the people who need the knowledge.
I’m actually going to read this story straight out of the book because it was written much closer in time to the actual event. You see, I know how memory can be. As we get farther away, we tend to add color to any story the more we tell it. It’s not because we’re dishonest. It’s just what our brains naturally do. I try to be very wary of that possibility, and so I write things down that feel impactful soon after they happen. This is one reason I highly recommend journaling.
This is “Chapter 17: Angels to the Rescue.” If you’d like to read more of my experiences, I’ll link to the book’s Amazon page in the show notes.
<read straight from the book>
It’s a short chapter but a powerful event in my life, and it’s hard to really convey just how much the energy in the room changed.
In case you’re wondering, Mary is doing well. She was truly freed that day and hasn’t had a recurrence.
Like I said in the last episode, I pray the prayer to St. Michael regularly, and I credit him and my guardian angel for many times I’ve been protected from things that should have harmed me, including a head-on collision that caused a brief near-death experience.
I was at total peace when I left my body, but I was quickly pushed back into it, and that NDE left me wondering why I survived. I think that one of my reasons for still being here is to share these stories because certain people need to hear them. Maybe this one doesn’t resonate with you, or maybe your own memory will file it away to be shared with someone you meet in the future who does need to hear it. Whatever the reason, I appreciate the opportunity to share it.
Thanks for listening!
If you are interested in sharing your own paranormal stories with us or if you have an idea for an episode topic, please reach out through the contact form at That's P-E-E-P Remember that stands for People Experiencing Everyday Paranormal.
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Thanks again for listening! Stay safe and be well!