What do you do if you think you have a haunted object? How do you know if you’re a haunted person? These are some of the questions I was asked in the Q&A portion of my library presentations, and I’ll answer them in this episode of the P.E.E.P. Podcast.
Welcome to the PEEP Podcast! I’m your host Nicolle Morock, and on this episode I’m going to answer some of the questions I received from the wonderful audiences who attended my Haunted Carolina presentations at the Wake County Public Libraries in October.
But first, I have a few things to cover, and I’ll try to keep them short:
Right now, I’m publishing chapters of my work-in-progress as I write them. Its title is “The Daughter of the Mystic Moon,” and it’s a medieval fantasy about a young healer who learns the truth about how her father died while she’s searching for her kidnapped mother. Her journey takes her outside of her comfort zone and into dark places beyond the borders of her homeland. If you’re an avid reader, even if you don’t subscribe to my page, just check out Ream anyway to see what the new platform is all about.
Okay, if you missed any of that, just go to nicollemorock.com and subscribe to my newsletter to keep up to date on all my latest projects and to enjoy opportunities to win fun prizes.
Now back to the Wake County Libraries edition of Ask Me Anything!
If you couldn’t make it to my in-person talks – and I know most of you are not local – you can still watch the presentation on my new YouTube channel. The audio and video quality aren’t the best because I had to set up the camera in the back of the library’s meeting room so it wouldn’t be distracting to the audience. I didn’t have a camera person, so it’s a wide shot with ambient sound. Please don’t complain – I worked with what I had, and I learned a few things for next year. I’ll put the link to the video in the show notes and on my website.
The title of my presentation was “All the Reasons A House Might Be Haunted,” and yes, I was really challenging myself by saying “all.” If you listened to my last episode, you know what one of those reasons was, and if you didn’t listen yet, you should. It surprised me and I laughed.
I listed about 15 possible reasons, and one of those was that a person brought in a haunted object. If you are the type of person who likes to go antiquing, to estate sales, flea markets, and yard sales, be careful about what you bring home. If the energy feels off, there might be a reason, and if paranormal events suddenly begin in your house, you might want to try removing that object and seeing if they stop.
One of the questions I was asked during the Q&A session at most of my presentations was what to do with a potentially haunted object once you realize it’s the culprit. While you could do something overly dramatic like burn or bury it, my recommendation is to list it on eBay as a haunted item and see what collector of oddities might buy it. Then, at least you might be able to recoup some of that money and you can be honest about why you’re offloading the item.
Another reason a house might be haunted is if it’s a person and not a spirit causing the disturbances. I’m talking about a PK-type poltergeist – a person with psychokinesis. If you listened to Episode 3 of this podcast, “Emotions, Technology, and a Poltergeist with John Kruth,” you know this is a real possibility.
Two of the questions I was asked regarding PK poltergeists are (1) If the person with psychokinesis is not in the house when something happens, what does that mean? And (2) if the paranormal events are caused by a person, what can they do about it?
My answers are (1) if the suspected person is not in the home at the time of a paranormal occurrence, then my guess is that you just ruled them out. Although it might not be impossible, I think it’s improbable that they will be affecting the environment subconsciously from a distance. And (2) if the events are caused by a person, the best thing they can do is learn to control their emotions and reactions to the world around them. I highly suggest listening to Episode 3 if you haven’t, and relistening if it’s been a while and you’re dealing with this in your own life. Meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises can all help get your energy under control and calm your mind.
Another reason a person might think their house is haunted is because they are a haunted person… in other words, someone like me. If you often experience events that could be paranormal where and when others around you don’t, you might be a haunted person. While I’ve been in many paranormally active houses where others have experienced activity, too, including people who don’t consider themselves sensitive at all, I’ve also had experiences where no other person has. Some of us are simply more prone to experiencing the paranormal. As sensitives, intuitives, psychics, natural mediums, or whatever you want to call us, our energy acts as a beacon to spirits looking for attention. It’s something that we must learn to control, so we aren’t constantly being distracted by their behavior.
Some of my past episodes are interviews with psychics in which we touched on our personal ways to put our psychic walls up or turn off or tune out – however you want to think about it. But I’m considering doing a workshop or YouTube video that goes into more detail. Let me know if that’s something that interests you by commenting on this episode’s social media posts on Facebook or Twitter or by using the contact form at peeppodcast.com.
Also, if you watch the video of the presentation on YouTube, feel free to send me follow-up questions of your own, and I’ll answer them in a future episode.
Thank you for listening!
If you are interested in sharing your own personal paranormal experiences, or if you have an idea for an episode topic, please reach out through the contact form at peeppodcast.com. That's P-E-E-P Podcast.com. Remember that stands for People Experiencing Everyday Paranormal.
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Thanks again for listening! Stay safe and be well!