I admit it! Lately the podcast has skewed a bit farther toward the paranormal experiencer side of my "science + psi" equation. But fear not, scientifically minded friends. Tonight, we'll focus on the science!
Welcome to the PEEP Podcast. I’m your host Nicolle Morock, and on this episode, I'm going to try to bring a little balance back to the program. Believe it or not, it's easier to find experiencers who are happy to share their stories than it is academics and researchers who want to talk about their studies. Why? Not because they don't want to chat it up, but because they often don't have time to do interviews with not-well-known podcasters.
Seriously, the more listeners a podcast has, the more likely people will make time to be on it. And I'm not complaining. Honestly. The thing is whether they talk to me or not, their research is still important and fascinating, and I'm going to promote it.
For example, today on Twitter, Dr. Dean Radin of the Institute of Noetic Sciences tweeted a link to a study he's conducting. I immediately participated. I mean it would have been silly not to. It only took ten minutes, and it was actually kind of fun. I'll put the link in the show notes, and I encourage you to participate, too.
There are studies into the many aspects of parapsychology, including psi, happening all the time. You just need to know where to look. I'll admit it. With limited time in my day, I haven't had the chance to look everywhere, so tonight, I'll touch on a few that were obvious to me or easy to find. And if you happen to know of more, visit the Facebook group for the show and share the links!
We'll start with IONS, since I just mentioned that organization, and I'll put the link to the page on its website that lists all the studies.
Here are just a few that caught my eye:
It's quite possible, I'll participate in all of these studies if they let me. Follow the link in the show notes for additional information and other experiments.
You might not have known until now, that I donate monthly to IONS, but if you're a regular listener, you know I am a sustaining (aka monthly) contributor to the Rhine Research Center as well, so I'd be remiss if I didn't point you toward their current research.
The American Society for Psychical Research has a questionnaire on their site they'd like you to fill out. The survey page says, "It doesn't matter whether or not you have had any exceptional experiences for your responses to be a valuable addition to this survey, nor does it matter whether you have been near death or not. All responses are important."
The University of Virginia Division of Perceptual Studies has a list of current research you can participate in including these:
These are just a handful of examples of current research being done by academics and scientists. There are more out there. I encourage you to participate and share this information with anyone who might be interested. The only way for science to advance is for the researchers to be able to complete robust studies.
Now, before I sign off tonight, I have a little announcement. The podcast will be on hiatus during the month of June. I need a little time off to focus on some other personal projects, including completing my Emotion Code certification and completing the second draft of the novel I wrote in November. Fortunately, I have a wonderful day-job that I love. Unfortunately, with sleep, exercise, normal household chores, gardening, and a small personal life, I don't have time to work on every side project I'd like to. I've realized the only way these two, specifically, will be done on time is to temporarily pause the podcast. Please don't unsubscribe. I will be back! I promise. In the meantime, follow the links in the show notes and contribute to the advancement of science! Or just have a great June!
Thank you for listening! Stay safe and be well!